Cata Chocolate
We Roast and refine our beans in small batches in our Playas del Coco facility, taking care to develop the natural flavor and aroma that is unique to our Chocolate. In our Chocolate, we use only the highest quality, all natural products.
We start with the roasting process, which really brings out the flavors and aromas of this delicious seed. After roasting only the select beans, they pass through the Winnower, which separates the shell from the husk, by cracking the beans and vacuuming away the shell. The resulting small pieces of chocolate are called nibs. The nibs are ground to a paste, called cocoa liquor, to make unsweetened chocolate, the foundation of any flavor of chocolate we plan to make. The cocoa liquor is then combined with organic raw cane sugar and refined for 30-40 hours in our stone mill, which creates a silky smooth chocolate.
Finally we temper our chocolate to create a delicious bar or bonbons.
We offer free samples of our chocolate in our store!

Contact our shop
We are pleased to answer any questions you might have :)
Playas del Coco, 50 meters off the beach, main boulevard, Provincia de Guanacaste, Coco, 50503
Open 7 days a week from 9 AM till 6 PM
(506) 2670-0254